Latest Past Events
Area 16 Horse Trials Qualifier
Epworth Equestrian Scawcett Lane, Epworth@ Epworth Equestrian (aka British Riding Clubs 'Eventing') THIS IS A QUALIFIER FOR NAF HORSE TRIALS CHAMPIONSHIPS The classes you can enter are: TEAMS OF 4 OR INDIVIDUALS. Classes: 1 BRC Senior Horse Trial Qualifier 80cm Dressage Test BE90 Dressage 91 (2009) 2 BRC Senior & Junior Individuals Open HT 80cm (New Competition). Dressage Read More
Area 16 Winter Dressage Qualifiers
Arena UK Allington Lane, GranthamArea 16 winter dressage qualifiers to be held at Arena UK 06/10/18 There will be two competitions on the same day. WINTER NOVICE QUALIFIER: qualifying for Winter Novice Championship to be held 30th to 31st March@ Arena UK, Grantham. Teams of four. Seniors - 2 riders to ride prelim test, and 2 rider to ride Read More
Members Summer Camp @ Somerford- FULL
Somerford Park Farm Holmes Chapel Rd Congleton, CheshireThis date is now full but there is a wait list in operation-please contact Sharon. Somerford Park Farm is based in Cheshire, with an amazing cross country course and fabulous farm ride, you are guaranteed to have a ball. The jumps range from 75 right up to 1.20, but we can cater for people only Read More