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AGM Meeting
The riding clubs 1st annual AGM will be held on Monday 14th May at 7.00 prompt. The venue is the Wellington Hotel, 31 Bridgegate, Howden, Goole DN14 7JG. The AGM is open to anyone who would wish to join us, raise any points or just sit in and listen. Please feel free to join us!
Know the signs, back pain & ulcers – evening talk.
RW Equestrian Willitoft, GooleAn informative evening with Jenny Staddon of Ridings Equine Vets and Faith Fisher-Atack of Equine Physio Services inc special guests. The theme for the evening will be the equine back and how the horse and rider connect, along with the age old bug bear of equine ulcers! Jenny and Faith work together superbly and deliver Read More