- This event has passed.
Area 16 Horse Trials Qualifier
4 May, 2019
@ Epworth Equestrian
(aka British Riding Clubs ‘Eventing’)
The classes you can enter are: TEAMS OF 4 OR INDIVIDUALS.
1 BRC Senior Horse Trial Qualifier 80cm
Dressage Test BE90 Dressage 91 (2009)
2 BRC Senior & Junior Individuals Open HT 80cm (New Competition).
Dressage Test BE90 Dressage 91 (2009)
3 BRC Senior Horse Trial Qualifier 90cm
Dressage Test BE90 Dressage 95 (2012)
4 BRC Senior Horse Trial Qualifier 100cm
Dressage Test BE 100 Dressage 101 (2009)
5 BRC Senior / Junior / Mixed Horse Trial Qualifier 100+
Dressage Test BE Novice Dressage 110 (2012)
6 BRC Junior Horse Trial Qualifier 80cm
Dressage Test BRC HT 80Q (2013)
7 BRC Junior Horse Trial Qualifier 90cm
Dressage Test BRC HT 90Q (2013)
8 BRC Junior Horse Trials Qualifier 100cm
Dressage Test BRC HT 100Q (2013)
The course will be available for walking on the Friday 3rd from 2-6pm.
Times will be displayed on the Area 16 website: www.brcarea16.org.uk & the EMDG website from Thursday 2nd May.
Cost: £60 per entry the club is subsidising these entries
If you would to enter please email Liz: elizabeth-horner@sky.com by 5th April.
All entrants must be fully signed up members of the club. This means you must have paid AND sent off membership forms. If you are planning on entering and haven’t received your BRC membership card yet please contact Kayleigh on 07887953339 or kayleighnic@icloud.com
All horses must be fully vaccinated to BRC rules and passports are all fully checked at the competition, if your vaccinations do not meet the criteria you WILL NOT be allowed to ride. There is a vaccination checker on our website, please check!! At present the vaccination rules have not changed from what is written in the BRC rulebook.
Ensure that you intend to compete at the relevant championship & that you enter the level that you are happy to compete at – no swapping around last minute please!! (Swalcliffe Park Equestrian, OX15 5EX on the 2nd to 4th August).
Please send an email to Liz at elizabeth-horner@sky.com stating which classes you would like to enter, your name, membership number, horse’s name (as on passport), horse’s passport number & that you have paid you entry fee (get in contact for BACS details).
Entries MUST be in by 5th April. NO PAYMENT = NO ENTRY