Area 16 winter dressage qualifiers to be held at Arena UK 06/10/18
There will be two competitions on the same day. WINTER NOVICE QUALIFIER: qualifying for Winter Novice Championship to be held 30th to 31st March@ Arena UK, Grantham. Teams of four. Seniors – 2 riders to ride prelim test, and 2 rider to ride a novice test. Juniors – 2 riders to ride a prelim test and 2 to ride a novice test Teams of four. Seniors – 2 riders to ride prelim test, and 2 rider to ride a novice test. Juniors – 2 riders to ride a prelim test and 2 to ride a novice test
WINTER INTERMEDIATE QUALIFIER : qualifying for Winter Intermediate Championship to be held at 26th to 28th April @ Bury Farm, Buckinghamshire. Teams of four. Seniors – 1 rider to ride a Prelim test, 2 riders to ride a novice test and one to ride and elementary test. Juniors – 1 rider to ride a Prelim test, 2 riders to ride a novice test and one to ride an elementary test. There is also a pick -a-test competition for individuals which can be chosen to ride Medium or Advanced Medium. Riders can ride in both qualifiers on the same day and both are both Team and Individual events. Classes are as follows: WINTER NOVICE: Prelim 2 (2016) Prelim 7 (2002 revised 2016) Novice 24 (2010 revised 2016) Novice 27 (2007) WINTER INTERMEDIATE: Prelim 13 (2006 revised 2016) Novice 28 (2008) Novice 34 (2009 revised 2016) Elementary 42 (2008) Pick a test (individual only) Medium 71 (2002) or Advanced Medium 90 (2012)
cost £23.50 per test All entrants must be fully signed up members of club.
This means you must have paid AND sent off membership forms. If you are planning on entering and haven’t received your BRC membership card yet please contact Kayleigh on 07887953339 or kayleighnic@icloud.com
All horses must be fully vaccinated to BRC rules and passports are all fully checked at the competition, if your vaccinations do not meet the criteria you WILL NOT be allowed to ride. There is a vaccination checker on our website, please check!!
Ensure that you intend to compete at the relevant championship & that you enter the level that you are happy to compete at – no swapping around last minute please!! Please send an email to Liz at elizabeth-horner@sky.com stating which tests you would like to ride, then pay via equo events, to pay for multiple tests just enter the class twice before checking out.
Entries MUST be in by 12th Spetember. NO PAYMENT = NO ENTRY
Read more at https://www.equoevents.co.uk/ViewEvent/ViewEventDetails/19710#9ilToiabLZZD8ieZ.99